Radiant Ones,

How are you spending the first week of 2022? It is time to set new powerful intentions! For the past two years, the world started a massive collective karmic clearance, all of us are a part of that wave, and its effects are still riding on today. Every change has its cause and effect; every being has its role, no matter how small or big. Together we are part of the cosmic pattern unfolding into a new harmonic design. We are renewing and rebirthing in the early stages of the Aquarius Age. This signifies a shift in our consciousness, from the mind of competitiveness to co-creating in harmony with one another.
Are you feeling this shift of energy too? Do you feel yourself desiring a greater opening of your heart to connect with others?
THEME of 2022!
It is simplification and balance! And in the process of simplifying our life, we are allowing space for projects and ideas to build, grow and nurture.
However, years back, my Master Guide, Hermes, said that we would see many organizations and individuals who will build their projects rapidly based on selfish gains. Foundations built upon such fundamentals of thoughts will not last long and will lose their fortune along with its gains.
This revelation brings us to think deeper, what serves? Who serves? And for what purpose?
Our vision is only as expansive as the level of our consciousness. When we are riding our wave and creativity, that is the time where our Source energy flows and soars. When we are in our vortex, we will feel powerful surges of energy waking us up every day.

The first New Moon and Full Moon of 2022 fall on Jan 3 and 18, respectively (GMT). I am sure it is going to activate us in interesting ways! There will also be four eclipses, April 30 Solar, May 15-16 Lunar, October 25 Solar and November 8 Lunar, all reminding us of our life purpose.
The three Major SPIRITUAL FULL MOONs generally begin in March, April and end in May. However, in 2022, the Festival of Easter, the first Major Spiritual Full Moon, is on April 17, and the Festival of Wesak is on May 16, followed by the Festival of Goodwill on June 14.
Regardless, significant developments and changes will reveal themselves from March 2022. These three major festivals will renew and uplift our spiritual essences and commitment toward personal enlightenment, selfless service and spiritual transformations.

There are so many exciting plans I am looking forward to sharing with you, integrating the old and new platforms, establishing an online community and sharing universal teachings. It will be a hearty starry year! Many of you have been enquiring about online training such as Arcturus Quantum Healing and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls Practitioner. They will be ready in early 2022! Training online or in-person is never the same. Both have their pros and cons. Therefore the courses are redesigned and strengthened with new materials to ensure the quality and integrity of the content. Thank you for being so patient.
I am blessed with the space and time to deepen my practice in the Art of Listening and Stillness Meditation. As we journey through 2022, I will be offering more insights during my events and courses.
Co-creation is a collective effort, offering the Light we each hold, and together, we enlighten each other’s minds. My heart is with all of you, and together may we pray for the well-being of all sentient beings to transcend beyond duality and attain true awakening!
Yantara Jiro