The Full Moon will be on the 24th June 2021 in the UK and the 25th June 2021 in ASIA.

We have been greeted in June with intensive masculine-yang energy and will continue to receive this quality of frequency into early July.
The heat is rising and more cosmic activations are switching on our inner potentials. Bringing us out of our comfort zone! Creative ideas are pouring through our awareness and are guiding us forward. The energy transmissions recorded during our Summer Solstice Soul Journey gathers precious vibrational information from sacred vortexes around the world into our lightbodies and DNA.
In general, more people are being "switched on", and their ability to receive spiritual messages intuitively are increasing! This is great news, but further fine-tuning and training is essential.
The Solstice energetic empowerments and activations are blessings from the Ascended Masters, Star Beings and many great spiritual teachers. As you listen to the recordings, you are tapping consciously through the energy lines of the Earth, on certain days of listening, you may resonate with one vortex more than the other. This is perfectly normal.

Especially on a Full Moon day, the soul journeys are remarkably powerful. The energetic shifts in our reality continue to mold how we live individually and collectively. Therefore it is a really good time to connect consciously as a group to intent for a better future of the world.
The Full Moon is most potent on its actual day, two days prior is the preparation of energy build-up, and two days after the actual peak marks the holding space period to ground our intentions and prayers. "Holding space" means to keep your daily thoughts aligned with your intentions without contradictions, worries or doubt.
As such, it is worth paying attention toward a total of 5 days that surrounds the Full Moon duration.
Example of using Asia June Full Moon Timing:
23-24 (Two Days Energy Preparation)
25 (Full Moon Peak)
26-27 (Two Days Holding Space)
The energy portals are still open and vortexes around the world are charged and activated by the Sun right now. Ride on this positive solar wave into July with meditations and prayers.
Dance, celebrate, move your body, connect with online communities!
See you at the sacred temples around the world!
Yantara Jiro